Health and The Honey Bee by Charles Mraz
Charles Mraz, apitherapy pioneer and founder of Champlain Valley Apiaries shares his experience, research and knowledge in this must-read book for anyone interested in learning more about bees or bee venom therapy.
In 1928, Charles established Champlain Valley Apiaries in Middlebury, VT growing the business over the next 60 years to become, at one time, the largest apiary in New England.
Charles was known by thousands of people with chronic diseases for both his expertise and his advocacy of bee venom and bee products.
He administered the venom to himself to treat arthritis in his knees and to those who pilgrimaged from around the world to Vermont for his advice and free bee sting therapies, hoping for relief from painful conditions.
He was well regarded for his apiculture innovations including the development of a hardy strain of bees able to withstand the harsh winter conditions in Vermont. He traveled worldwide as a consultant on beekeeping methods and technology.
In 1992, he was recognized by the American Beekeeping Federation as one of the five most distinguished beekeepers in the US for his contributions to the advancement of commercial beekeeping. He was a columnist for Gleanings in Bee Culture and contributing writer to the American Bee Journal.
Paperback, 92 pages.
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